Travel Bugg

Best Sites for Backpacking Europe

In preparation for our six weeks in Europe, Lav and I have been writing, researching and pinning like crazy. Here are some helpful sites we’ve found for budget backpackers like us.

Budget and Planning

1. The Savvy Backpacker


The most comprehensive guide for travelling Europe on a budget

Covers initial trip planning, packing, finding accommodation, choosing transportation, travel gear and service reviews, and general advice about saving money and avoiding scams.

2. Euro Trip Tips: One of the better resources I’ve found for planning advice.

3. Steph’s Travels:  Decent post with insights about planning for a short 2-3 week trip


One piece of advice: read blogs from locals or travellers in the country you’re visiting before leaving. Through a blog, Stephanie found out about Italy’s train system and how there was a private/public train price war going on. She was able to get tickets in advance for 50% off.

Finding places to stay 

Stay in a hostel.

Hostel World or Hostel Bookers 


Part cheap hotel, part sleep-away camp, these are great places to meet interesting people from around the world. Hostels come in all flavours from private rooms to shared bathrooms to 15 people sharing a space with bunk beds. No matter your travel style there’s something for you.

Crash on people’s couches

Seriously, you can stay with locals for free. Join the couch surfing network and send requests to visit. I would advise staying with people who have been recommended by others and have a good history with couch surfing. You can also check out cool events or just meet a fellow surfer for coffee.

Work for accommodations 

You pay $25, join the network and are able to apply for different jobs all over the world. You stay with hosts who cover your living and dining expenses in exchange for working a small portion of your day. Good for travelers who want to meet local people and engage more deeply with culture.

Rent a place from a local 

House Trip

Tech Advice 


Eurotriptips: Really good post on useful apps.

Train travel

Train Time Tables for Eurail


Beginner’s Guide to Train Travel in Europe

 Finding Flights

budget flying within Europe

Saving Money

75 tips to saving money while in Europe


Inspiration and Motivation

Top 8 Travel Quotes

My best friend and I have dreamed of doing this for seven years.


Do we have a lot of money? No. Are we students and recent grads with loans? Yes. Are we 100% prepared? Of course not. 

Are we doing it anyway? Yes, yes we are. 

It might start off with the next city or another state. It may eventually grow to a short trip overseas or to a neighboring country. Who knows, you might eventually head to the other side of the hemisphere.

Remember no matter your finances or life situation,  with a little saving, a lot of research and an open and ready-to-learn mindset, you can be a traveler.

Happy Travels!!





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