Travel Bugg

Tiny house update: finished exterior, started interior!

The last few weeks have been slow as busyness, logistics and conflicting schedules have gotten in the way of sustained work. However, within a month or two, we finished the exterior, painted, began the interior and completed much of the electrical rough-in. This thing is so close to being finished, but I still have to find a place to park it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

First we finished the interior siding:

Next we chose paint colors:

Then we painted the exterior:

Then we moved to the interior. We finished the electrical rough-in and insulated:

We worked on putting up interior siding and getting appliances ready:


Finally, I helped build my first cabinet which will hold the kitchen sink:

Next steps will involve finishing the interior siding, putting a clear coat on the walls, buying more appliances, figuring out the toilet situation and putting down floors. We will also make more cabinets, a fold-out table, a sectional, a staircase/ storage unit, a bookcase, more storage, a small deck, window boxes, shutters and some frames for my maps of Texas state parks and painting of Costa Rica. Thanks as always for reading and let me know if you have any questions about the building process. 🙂






2 responses to “Tiny house update: finished exterior, started interior!”

  1. tinycasita Avatar

    Your tiny house is adorable! I love the exterior paint color you chose, it looks great! Seems like you’re making a lot of progress, can’t wait to see the inside!

    1. Ashleigh Bugg Avatar

      Thank you so much! I’m really enjoying your blog. Best of luck on your building journey!

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