Travel Bugg

Tag: solo travel

  • The Art of Traveling Alone

    The Art of Traveling Alone

    “Are you traveling alone?” The elderly Asturian woman was dressed from neck to toe in black and held a wooden walking stick like mine. She seemed too fragile to be out in the forest by herself, much less chugging her way up this steep hill in northern Spain. “Yes, I am,” I said, wondering if…

  • Solo Travel in Cappadocia, Turkey

    Solo Travel in Cappadocia, Turkey

    If you have been a millennial engaged in any sort of travel in the past five years, you’re going to have seen the balloon pics from Cappadocia. It is inevitable, the only objects that have been more instagrammed are those white and blue buildings in Santorini. I like to avoid hype when traveling. For this…

  • I am not engaged

    I am not engaged

    It’s the time of the year when half your friends are getting engaged and the other half are writing passive aggressive posts about it. Despite societal expectations, I didn’t get engaged last year, but I did finish university, hike a tiny bit of the AT, backpack Europe and get a job. I’m happy for my…