Travel Bugg

Tag: tiny house nation

  • Tiny house update: finished exterior, started interior!

    Tiny house update: finished exterior, started interior!

    The last few weeks have been slow as busyness, logistics and conflicting schedules have gotten in the way of sustained work. However, within a month or two, we finished the exterior, painted, began the interior and completed much of the electrical rough-in. This thing is so close to being finished, but I still have to…

  • Tiny House photos: making progress!

    Tiny House photos: making progress!

    Some of the progress from the past few weeks. Hope to be finished with the shell this weekend 🙂

  • Tiny house update: framing!

    Tiny house update: framing!

    Since I last wrote, we had a few minor setbacks in stabilizing the trailer. First, the springs I bought were a little too short, but the next size up were too big. Thankfully, my neighbor offered to fix it at his shop so it would fit correctly. Until we stabilized the base, it would be…

  • Going Tiny: moving into 195 sq ft

    Going Tiny: moving into 195 sq ft

    It’s been my goal to build a home on wheels for a while now. When your father is a carpenter, you want to be more sustainable (or figure out what that buzzword actually means) and house prices are out of your reach, it makes the most sense economically, environmentally and socially. How to build a…